I planted a flower that died, and I tried to bring it back to life, but how exactly do you think apologizing works like? - Alex Antally 🌸
I planted a flower that died, and I tried to bring it back to life, but how exactly do you think apologizing works like? - Alex Antally 🌸
This is not a poem, you probably know him. I don't need to explain myself, because you've read this book and put it on your self. Saying...
no one could ever take away memories that flame, we just downplay the burning love with the blame. - Alex Antally 🌸
every corner has its own story, the sidewalk glory, where memories get blurry, hearts get foggy, the sound of your footsteps is nothing...
we were nothing and everything, some people would wonder how can we still be close after all the doors were closed, but we were...
to all the girls that used to know how to drink but now drown in tears cheers - Alex Antally 🌸
I'm still waving goodbye, dying inside, breaking my heart, crying on your shoulder in front of that door... I'm locked in a memory I...
it's so loud in here, can you hear? the silence, my dear is filled with the answers we fear... - Alex Antally 🌸
sex is powerful, rules are allowable, men are flavorous, women tend to be dangerous. - Alex Antally 🌸
a cloud, the sun can't touch, a raindrop, that never hits the ground. a soul given to anyone, but not given to anyone. wanted to stop,...
all they ever wanted was two lines in a poetry book - Alex Antally 🌸
I called today, the line was busy. all I wanted to say is that you've been on my mind quite a lot lately. - Alex Antally 🌸
I saw her today, the girl that always sits at the end of the bar, has two beers and leaves without a sign. She has that same look on her...
when the lights are low, our feet barely touch the floor, you sneak me into your bedroom, and I know what you mean when you say it's time...
The ring on her hand; the smile on her face; his hands around her waist; the look in his eyes; the wedding bells going through my mind....
women are needy and moody, but all they're longing for is a place called home; two arms, a warm hug, a smile; all they ought for is a...
Along the road I learned that my mother will never forgive me, for me not being me. She eventually had to erase the image of the girl...
different arms; new scent; soft body; fast hands; kissable lips; he is better than you ever were. - Alex Antally 🌸
You come and go. I try to leave but never succeed. You drown, but never die. I love knowing, love is blind. Me and you, we go back and...